
Quantitative Dynamics is located in the greater Washington DC area. It is devoted to quantitative analysis of complex economic systems exhibiting multiscale dynamics. Since its foundation in 2009, the company has developed a large array of state-of-the-art data analysis tools helping to better understand temporal evolution of market indicators in the ever-changing globalized world.

Quantitative Dynamics was started by Olga Y. Uritskaya. She holds a Ph.D. degree in Mathematical Economics and specializes in multiscale processes in micro- and macroeconomics, nonlinear time series analysis, and multiscale system analysis. Her area of expertise include predictability of deregulated electricity markets, efficient market hypothesis, currency exchange rates and monetary crashes, nonlinear dynamics of stock market indicators and money aggregates, short- and long-term variability of energy prices, mathematical foundations of decision making in complex economic situations involving uncertainty and system-level interactions.  See Olga’s profiles at LinkedIn and ResearchGates for more information.

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